RSG  Recovery Services Group

Providing 24.7.365 service for your urgent and time-sensitive inspection needs


Toll-Free:  702.400.3196

Fax:  702.228.4738




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RSG is able to investigate physical property damage accidents throughout North America quickly and thoroughly.

Such accidents often involve a truck or trailer striking physical property, as opposed to road accidents involving vehicles or personal injury. The damaged property may include bridges, overpasses, roadside signs, or even the roads or highways themselves, perhaps caused by tire fires or leaking cargo.

The damaged property might be composed of outdoor signs, poles, hydrants, overhangs on roofs or receiving docks, overhead wires, fuel pumps, toll booths, parked vehicles and other privately owned property of all kinds that might be struck by a tractor or trailer.

RSG can dispatch a qualified and experienced field agent to examine the damaged property, describe the nature and extent of the damage, measure clearances, take digital photographs, view available security camera footage and procure statements from persons who may have witnessed the accident.

All investigations will be concluded within 24 hours of being assigned to RSG and our report, photographs, and other evidence will be sent to you electronically within 24 hours of completion. Prompt investigation as to the cause and effect of alleged property damage is the key to containing your property damage claim costs.

You can contact us anytime of day or night by calling an RSG dispatcher at our toll-free hotline, 702.400.3196, whenever you need us to represent your interests in the field.


� 2014 RSG-ISoA, Inc. - last modified: November 21, 2009