RSG  Recovery Services Group

Providing 24.7.365 service for your urgent and time-sensitive inspection needs


Toll-Free:  702.400.3196

Fax:  702.228.4738




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RSG has experienced field investigators throughout the United States and Canada who can assist you in recovering tractors, trailers, and cargo which may have been hijacked, lowjacked, or appropriated by disgruntled personnel.

RSG maintains a company-staffed 24-hour hotline that is answered every day of the year. We can have an RSG investigator on site very quickly, often with an hour. Speed is essential to successful recoveries.

RSG has numerous resources and law enforcement contacts throughout North America who are willing to assist us in our search for stolen equipment and cargo. We have a very good success rate, which can be enhanced by the cooperation of your dispatchers, safety managers and claim personnel.

If you can provide the details of the trip quickly we can pick up the trail and have an excellent chance of succeeding in our search. We charge only for the time necessary to pursue the matter to a conclusion and we work quickly and efficiently.

Should you be faced with a hijack, a lowjack, or the misappropriation of a tractor, trailer or cargo we invite you to call RSG toll-free at 702.400.3196 so we can begin our investigation as soon as possible after the theft has been discovered.


� 2014 RSG-ISoA, Inc. - last modified: November 21, 2009